Sunday, November 29, 2009

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

in the South East quite near to London, and there are areas which are frequented entirely by specific minority groups [I have no opinion on this by the way]... but I have noticed over the years that every time a billboard picture is put up in these areas, the following day they are partially painted over as the advertising pictures may have women with exposed arms or legs showing. It happens all the time...

Most of the advertising is actually not sexually explicit.. there might have been a Loreal ad with a woman running her hand through her hair but she has a bare arm so some of the people living in this area will paint over the picture all the way up to her neck...

Is this painting over of the billboards reasonable taking into account peoples' religious affectations....?

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

we are in btitain so other people should respect that its ok to have bare arms and legs!

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

multicultural alright

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

Good question. It is a classic example of whether the majority have the right to offend a minority, or whether a minority have the right to their point of view. No answer to give, but a good question.

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

Yes if there religeous to that effect. But it is destruction of property and is not sexualy explicit so it is wrong.

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

well religius people should just learn that the parts of body is a natural thing and should learn to deal with that they believe in god but don't like baring skin witch i think is rediculous

i also live in a multicultural city to in leicester there are sihks, muslims, hindues and etc and they do the same thing they even give us dirty looks if we are wearing a crop top or something even when its a hot summers day why they are walking around with a curtain hung on them all day

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

Where on earth do you live? I live in South East London where we are very ethnically diverse. In my little girl's pre school alone there are:













and some of mixed race parentage

But I have never heard of anyone painting over posters. Usually they just post new ones up advertising hip hop or DJ events or suchlike. very strange if you ask me.

I bet the advertisers are none to happy either.

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

People belonging to One or two of the religions are getting fanatic these days. It did not happen in the past but has started happening now because they are perhaps trying to show their assertiveness to the others or trying to force their beliefs on others.

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

Interesting didn't know this was happening. Maybe the advertisers should be aware of the offense they cause and put less 'exposed' adverts in these areas. Also the billboards may have a telephone number the offended parties can call to change advert, If they got many calls the situation may get solved.

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

how very strange. they dont have to look at it..

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

Isn't that graffiti? Or vandalism? If they object to it, they should move somewhere else. Or at least close their eyes!

If they object to what is happening outside their homes, they should stay indoors all the time.

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

i think the people are going abit over the top, at the end of the day its not just there community its everyones community from all different backgrounds so its not for them to decide whats to see and whats not so to speak.

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

Whatever they think and whether they like it or not, what they aer doing is illegal - and you should know that if your nickname is fitting............

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

Are you saying Graffiti is Racially motivated ? :-0

or Are you another one of those

'I'm not Racist, how ever i don't think I'm comfortable with the black guys in my neighbourhood" people ?

What do you think? I live in a very multicultural area of Britain?

Oliver Cromwell did the same thing. He tore down images in churches if he thought of them wrong. There will always be people who do the same sort of thing, in this case defacing posters. They can protest like the rest of us if they find things offensive. We have a democracy, use it.

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